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Accurate PnL and transaction history
Jay Cottz
I would like phantom to have an accurate PnL with each token instead of the 24 hour gain/loss or whatever it is, its confusing. Also in transaction history if it could say how many USD you purchased/sold something at instead of just being X SOL, as that can be hard to know.
Sanda Poljakovic
Yes please do so, this way we do not see our PnL
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Shot increase/decrease % per token instead of $
The amount doesn't give you an idea of by how much a token price has increased/decreased. It should be the change in percentage what should show instead of the $.
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Show the real gains
The gains are simply the price change of the given token in 24h, and not take into account since when we have the coin on the wallet. In example, if you bought 1 ETH the wallet show me that ETH took 5% in 24h, but since I bought it 1 minute ago, it gains only 0.1%. I think a wallet should show my gains, not the token gain (this i can see it everywhere else CMM, gecko, etc).
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Profit and loss
chris green
Create a profit and loss feature that tracks crypto you have purchased and will tell you if you are currently running a profit or running at a loss
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P&L Live
Please add real time, P&L, including cost basis and fees. If you have features like this lot, more people will want to use the Wallet